At MBTS we specialize in all sorts of maintenance and repair works at both seaports and at sea. We take care of everything from lubrication to replacing, modifying, overhauling, replacing and all kinds of repairments. Next to that, we manufacture all kinds of components ourselves, and can provide you with the kind of personnel that does the job thoroughly.
During our years of repairing, replacing, modifying and overhauling cranes and other (port) equipment, we obtained the acquired knowledge to start manufacturing components ourselves. Therefore, we can be hired to take care of everything that is necessary to finish a project properly. This all-in-one approach makes it much more easy to get a job done in time, plus you always get the components that fit your equipment perfectly.
proactive maintenance
We find that a lot of maintenance is done afterwards, i.e. after something is faulty or broken entirely. Not only does this bring a lot of extra costs with it - it can cause equipment to be completely worn out. With attention to your cranes and other types of port equipment, you can give them lifetime extension.
That is why we always convince our customers to have maintenance & repair. Every type of equipment needs a different approach. That is why we always look for the optimum on service level. We are always willing to meet your requirements. Don't hesitate to contact us!